The RFC Monitor
The RFC Monitor is a service which checkes regulary for new RFC's issued by the and allows you to subscribe to a e-mail newsletter or
If you subscribe to the e-mail notifications you will receive the index entries of new RFCs. This notification can also include a link where the complete RFC can be found. You can configure the service to link to a RFC mirror close to you using your favorite protocol, format and compression.
A usual notification looks like this...
3194 The H-Density Ratio for Address Assignment Efficiency An Update on the H ratio. A. Durand, C. Huitema. November 2001. (Format: TXT=14539 bytes) (Updates RFC1715) (Status: INFORMATIONAL) 3195 Reliable Delivery for syslog. D. New, M. Rose. November 2001. (Format: TXT=60960 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD) is a free service, Signup here for e-mail notifications or use